Queer Plant Convergence

A collaboration between F.E.R.N., Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary, and New England Botanical Society.

Queer Plant Convergence (QPC) is an event series that seeks to bring together members of the regional LGBTQIA+ community who have a shared interest in wild plants and the environment.

Adiantum by F.E.R.N.

We welcome you…

Whether you are newly plant-curious, want to start a career with plants, are a passionate long-time plant lover, or are a plant-engaging professional.

The only requirement is that attendees respect each other, the land, and all of its non-human inhabitants.

The goals of QPC are to forge connections, establish a support network, and work towards promoting diversity, equity, anti-racism, and inclusion in the regional botanical community.

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🌈 Come Meet Other LGBTQIA+ Plant Nerds!

QPC 2024 is our third annual event in this series held at Norcross Wildlife Foundation in Wales, MA.

Stay tuned for more information about the event. If you have not yet received a Save The Date email, be sure to sign up for the email list towards the bottom of this page.


If you need support, cannot afford registration fees, or have general questions about the event, please email queerplantconvergence@fernnetwork.org.

Who are we?

QPC is organized and run by a group of dedicated volunteers collectively forming the QPC Planning Committee.

Every year, Queer Plant Convergence is made possible thanks to a growing network of organizational collaborators and supportive volunteers.

Queer Plant Convergence started as an idea between friends, Grace Glynn and Matt Charpentier. The event, however,quickly grew into a community-driven effort to maintain an inclusive and welcoming gathering of ecologically-minded individuals in the queer space.


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2024 Organizational Collaborators

We are grateful for our 2024 organizational collaborators, who have continued to make this event possible for yet another year. Taking place at Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary in what is now called Wales, MA, we are able to gather again in a beautiful space. Public Lands’ donation of camping supplies in previous years continues to allow us to loan camping gear should any attendees need them for the event, and New England Botanical Society is assisting with logistical support.


2024 Committees

With an expanded planning committee, we have split the previous planning committee into several sub-committees. We are once again grateful for the contribution of these individuals’ time and effort in creating an amazing event that seeks to capture the original magic of the event for the third-annual Queer Plant Convergence at the original location.

Their help is essential to ensuring the event is an organized, welcoming space. Committee member information to be updated soon. For now, enjoy this fox!

Optimized Fox Digging Searching GIF by F.E.R.N.

Previous Eco-Experiences at Queer Plant Convergence

Queer Plant Convergence includes a schedule with activity opt-ins to ensure everyone has the opportunity to take part in each activity they are most interested in. Activities may include evening potluck, botany and foraging walks, group meals, skill-shares, and group discussions. Poetry, artmaking, and jam sessions are also included in the schedule, with free-space time for participants to decide how they want to spend their time in a more free-form way.


Facilities – Attendees will camp on-site and have limited access to the facilities. These facilities do include bathrooms and a conference room. There is limited refrigeration available for medications that require temperature control.


Gear – The event is rain-or-shine, so we recommend testing your tent’s waterproofing. If you do not have access to a tent, sleeping bag, or sleeping pad, we will do our best to locate one for you to use. (Please indicate this on the registration form.


Meals – We will be providing breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with additional details about potlucks or snacks sent after registration. Please disclose any allergies or dietary requirements in the registration form.


Goldenseal by Destynnie Berard by F.E.R.N.


Get on the Waitlist

Registration has closed for the Third Annual Queer Plant Convergence!

Looking to join the waitlist? Send us a quick note using this email form.

Alternatively, email us at queerplantconvergence@fernnetwork.org

12 + 14 =

Other Ways to Get Involved with QPC

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The QPC Planning Committee welcomes anyone who wants to participate in the planning process.

We can work with you to identify which volunteer opportunities best fit your interests and schedule.

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Are you involved with an organization and interested in collaborating with us on an event?

Find out more by connecting with the QPC Planning Committee.

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Spread the Word

Do you like what you’re reading or know someone who would be interested in hearing about QPC?

Follow us on social media and share our website with folks you know!

Will You Be Our Frond?

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Sign Up for Updates

Keep up with what we are doing as we grow and develop, with new opportunities and collaborations on the horizon.

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Previous Years at QPC…


So many wonderful individuals and organizations came together to help make the second annual QPC a phenomenal experience. We were overwhelmed with the number of registrations, and have reached maximum capacity. To accommodate the additional interest, we are thrilled to begin planning the expansion of the event into other areas of New England.

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Organizational Collaborators

We are grateful for the organizational collaborators that made the 2nd annual QPC event at Norcross Widllife Foundation possible. The 2nd annual event took place over July 28th to July 30th in 2023. Thanks to the efforts and donations from these organizations, we were able to run a better event that expanded our capabilities for the year and allowed us to better accommodate attendees.


  • Norcross Wildlife Foundation
  • New England Botanical Society
  • Native Plant Trust
  • Public Lands

Where in the World?🌎

July 28th – July 30th, 2023 @ Norcross Wildlife Foundation in Wales, MA

2023 Planning Committee 

We are grateful for these individuals who contributed their time and effort to helping create an amazing event in 2023.

Their help was essential to ensuring the event was an organized, welcoming space with engaging activities and assistance.


  • Matt Charpentier
  • Grace Glynn
  • Leo Kenney
  • Hunter Blanchard
  • Dan Wilder
  • Chase Mathey
  • Aaron Marcus
  • Connor Wetzel-Brown
  • Jessamine Finch
  • Michael Piantedosi